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The significance of Vasanta Panchami in the words of Guruji

Vasanta Panchami is known to be the birth day of Goddess Saraswati which falls on suddha panchami (5th day of the bright fortnight of the lunar month Magha) Vasanta means the moment of happiness (the birth of Goddess Saraswati is the happiest moment) hence it is known as Vasanta Panchami. In some parts of India it is also known as Sri Panchami.

Rigveda describes Saraswati as the daughter of Lord Shiva and Durga devi. Saraswati is known to be the flow of water rather we can call it as ocean.

Now a question might arise why it is called as flow of water “Saras or Bhasha is nothing but the words which are supposed to flow like water when we speak” and “Wati means the person who lives in such kind of water forever”, who gives us the complete knowledge, the word “Bha in itself consists the meaning Gyana”, “Sa refers to the person who commands,’’ It is believed Goddess Saraswati endows human beings with the power of speech, wisdom and learning. She has four hands representing four aspects of human personality in learning: mind, intellect, alertness. She has sacred scriptures in one hand and a lotus in the other, which symbolizes true knowledge.She plays Veena with other two hands which symbolizes the need of Sangeeta and Saahitya gyana in one’s life,

“Sangithamapi sahityam Sarvathya netra dwayam
Eakam apatha madhukam anyath alochanamrutham”

 She is draped in white sari, which symbolizes purity and rides on a white swan which represents Sattwa Guna and seated on Lotus personifying the true knowledge. Saraswati is also given prominence and revered in both Buddhism and Jainism.

sahithya sangitha kala viheenaha saakshaat pashuhu  brucha vishanahinaha
Trunam nakadhana napi jenamaha thath bhagha deyam paramam pashunaam

The person who does not have the knowledge of sangeeta and sahitya are known as animals who does not eat grass, such kind of persons are not even eligible to take birth as animal.

Now coming back to words of ocean, here the Goddess says learn good language which is pure in nature that is Sanskrit and praise me I will show you the path to moksha (Salvation). The learned and knowledgeable attach greater importance to the worship of goddess Saraswati. They believe Brahmagyana is nothing but the knowledge about Goddess.

Matacheta devathalu manana chesi varanbulithuru
Atala cheta bharya manana chesi sukambunithuru
Matala cheta bhupatulu manana chesi purammulithuru
Mata nervakuna avamana mana bhangamul.

Here the poet says if learn and speak good words we can get anything and everything that we desire, but if we do not speak properly all we get is a disgrace.

That is why our ancestors say “Muke Muke Saraswati”

Children are taught their first words on this day as an auspicious beginning to learning, the child who gets Aksharabhyasam done on this day will become great scholars and well versed person in life.
Guruji concludes saying

Janmana jayathe sudraha
Karmana jayathe Kriyaha
Vedapathena viprahagyanth
Bhrama gyananena Brahmanaha.


"Gu"  shabdha swandakarasya  'Dru' shabdha stanani vartakaha;

Andhakaara niraasitvadrugu rityabhidhiiyatee

'Gu'  maya  'Ru' person who leads a way out of darkness, is none other than GURU.

GuruBramha: GuruVishnu: Gurudevo Maheshswaraha

Gurushakshaat parabrahma tasmai sree Guravenamaha

Thy brahma vishnu Maheswara whom we refer as Trimurthy have taken the form of Guru, thus bow my self  in front of such Guru.

When we learn stotras mantras and attain upasana along with inner significance,with compassion of  Guru it would be more easier to acquire knowledge. Every learned person cannot be Guru,vedic knowledge, bramhanista, peace who does not differentiate between mine, yours, happy, unhappiness with unconditional love and affection towards his disciple only such person can be called sadhguru.

Durgabhovishayaagoo,durlabham tatva darshanam

durlabhaa sahajaavastha,sadhgurooho karunaavina:

It is not possible to overcome worldly desire and to attain tatva jyana with out Guru's consent .

Na sukham veeda shastreshu,na sukham mantrayantrake

Guroo ho prasadaa dhanyatra sukham naasti   mahitala.

Happiness alone cannot be gained with veeda, shashtra, mantra jyana, ultimate peace of mind (brahmaanandamu) will be possible through Guru's teachings. To be more precise inevitable knowledge  can be acquired with Guruji's concert.

By performing meditation, chanting mantras, learning shashtras can be understood properly only by the guidance of learned and experienced person which might result in gaining path quickly, presence of Guru in life would purify our  souls to create an awareness of positive and negative energy  present with in us and surroundings to identify these energies we should have complete trust on each other when we attain such a state our mind would be completely at peace then the spiritual path would be an easy task.

SadhGuru would always be ready to help us from various aspects it is upto the disciple to reach a stage where in guru will always be with him to shower his blessings. Again people think that gaining the grace of Guru means getting rid of the worldly problems alone which is very wrong the real meaning of Guruji's blessings would be to identify the existence of God (positive sense)  help shishya to realize it,to move on the spiritual path( Guru who identifies positive energy will be there to destroy  negative energy present within).  Guru would use his strenght to destroy negative energy which comes in a way  that would help shishya to reach his goal in a simple way to be precise he would stand in between you and your problems that are supposed to come in a long way to distract you from your goal, he would make the path as piece of cake.

"Matru devo bhava:" , "Pitru devo bhava:" "Achaarya devo bhava:" 

The well noted phrase says person who gives us birth the mother is equalent to God ,

The person who looks after our needs father is equalent to God

The person who guides us through the darkness towards the light  Guru is also considered to be God, the three persons who play an important role in our life are one and same with out giving respect to these persons and praying to Thy Lord  is like absurdity.

Sri Mehar baba has classified spiritual Gurus into eight different categories they are

1. Bhodha guru :-  person who teaches shashtras, encourages pupil to lead an disciplined life.

2. Veda guru :- who teaches vedas along with the inner meaning ,helps his pupil to lead an spiritual life.

3. Nishida guru :- The person who teaches his pupil only about the worldly life(worldly desire)

4. Kaamya guru :- Helps his pupil to understand the difference between good and bad to attain eternal happiness.

5. Vaachaka guru :- Who makes his shishya understand the reality of life which is in the form of yoga.

6 . Suuchaka guru :- He teaches how to hold on to your destination in an disciplined way.

7. Vihitha guru :- He who clears all the doubts regarding the spiritual life and helps his pupil gain will power to walk of nonmaterialistic world

8. Kaarana guru :- Helps to understand the connection between the Brahmam and human.

"Avashyamanubhoktyavya kruthamkarma shubhaashubha", according to this statement the good and  bad deeds,happy unhappy movements are supposed to be lived up, these in other words are known as Aagame, sanchita, prarabdha,  Sadhguru has the potentiality to help his pupil to over come these karmas.

The person who is longing to walk 0n    spiritual path and still cannot identify his own flaws is known to be adhama,who can identify his flaws that is the first step ,by knowing his flaws and faults but still cannot overcome them and keep blaming himself about it is the step two. Who pinpoints his own untruth ,and get ready to sacrifice his self-respect and his own identity to get ride of his flaws and faults in spite of any kind disrespect in the society would be the third step in path of truth.

In this process the pupil have to realize that its not possible to overcome every thing by himself, he should be under guidance of God who would come to him in  form of Guru.

When the mortal takes his first step towards the journey of self realizing there would be lot of distractions which would constantly bother, Pride of a person comes in between, positive sense or the awareness of God when supported, egoism comes down which is every essential to over come passion and cupidity of the worldly outbreak.

At the same time disciple does not know what exactly is needed for his divine passage all he longs is for his passion, but when God present with in himself does not fulfill his desire he starts criticizing  Almighty, at the end he concludes that the existence of the God is just an illusion, at this outset Guru comes to his rescue to restore his self confidence makes him aware of his own inner light.

Karma of previous birth plays an important role in  present situation, prarabtha karma (present actions) result will be shown in future,  in a way we are carrying the load of our good and bad deeds ourselves,  this is true.

"Deepa  dhvipavath",  the expression says we lite the lamp with  help of  another lamp , the awareness of the inner light is possible  only through Guru, he helps us to understand  positive nature of our inner strength at the same time he stands in between the good and bad feelings of his pupil helps to over come the negative nature with his power by which the pupil will have his inner strength lightened.

when a person becomes greedy about paramardhika dharma,there would appear a person who would be enlightened enough to guide by accepting him as his disciple, provided the disciple should possess same qualities as the Guru stands for.

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